What Is an Honor Society?
An honor society is an organization whose purposes are to recognize and encourage individuals with verified high scholarship and additionally, in some, leadership achievement in some broad or specialized field of study.
True honor societies represent a rich tradition in the history of higher education and exist to recognize and promote excellence in academic accomplishment.
Whether individual societies service multiple academic disciplines or only a single, specific academic major, their overall purpose is to encourage and recognize students who have achieved a high level of academic competence and to promote excellence in the academic community.
Functions of Honor Societies
College honor societies serve several important functions:
Recognition of Achievement: They confer distinction for high academic achievement, leadership, and excellence in various fields of study.
Fostering Excellence: They promote a culture of excellence by encouraging mental development and a spirit of liberal culture.
Networking Opportunities: Members can connect with like-minded individuals, which can be beneficial for personal and professional growth.
Scholarships and Awards: Many honor societies offer scholarships and awards to support their members’ educational and professional endeavors.
Leadership Development: They provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through various roles and activities.
Community Service: Honor societies often engage in community service projects, fostering a sense of social responsibility among members.

ACHS Classification of Honor Societies
General honor societies receive membership from a broad field of study in one or all schools and colleges of an institution who have achieved high scholarship and who fulfill such additional requirements of leadership as the society has established. A general or broad field of study may cross all disciplines or be within one area with related but distinct units. A broad field of study is one in which a systematic development of the mind and of cultural values are acquired through instruction, training, example, and experience.
Specialized honor societies receive into membership persons who have demonstrated high scholarship within a specialized or given field of study of a school, college, or larger unit of a university or within a field of study of a two-year college.
See specific scholastic eligibility standards in the Bylaws.
Programs and Activities of Honor Societies
Societies fulfill the functions of honor societies through the following programs and activities:
Recognition activities: initiation ceremony, honors convocation, honors regalia at graduation
Scholarships, fellowships, grants
Program initiatives or themes
Seminars, workshops, conferences
Publications: newsletters, journals, manuals, books
Awards: students, advisors, alumni
Learn more about the ACHS Standards for Society Membership.
Certified member societies of the Association of College Honor Societies can be found at this quick link.